
the fine folks at ny mosaico dot com have been bustin there ass lately getting the word out regarding latino cultural events (including acentos)

they also throw a kick ass party as experienced by various members of familia acentos during the memorial day weekend latin funk festival jump off.

your mission is to go over and check out the profile they did on me where i talk poetry, rag on land speculators, (cue the PETE ROCK & CL SMOOTH horn section) reminisce on the early days and invent new bar drinks

Accent on Poetry: Acentos Host Oscar Bermeo

also, a virtual toast of sigle malt scotch right back at barbara jane reyes for wishin me a happy birthday. yeah, dats right mofos, the magic number is officially 35.

love ya like the last candle on the cake

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  1. Meant to call you OB!!! Happy birthday!!!!! I’ll buy you a nice cranberry juice or something else healthy when I next see you. :)

  2. Happy Birthday!

    Fun interview! Clicked my way there from Miz Barbara Jane’s blog…

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