The Bookshelf V

i really should keep the order right on these updates and not try to pump up the digits with my comic consumption, specially when you consider how quickly i can rip through a graphic novel. case in point: picked up – gasp! as in actually paid for! – Y: The Last Man Vol. 2: Cycles. not as fast paced as the jump off and i was underwhelmed by the (premature) exit of a villain and the rapid fire development/dismissal of a strange plot twist. yeah, a bit disappointed but still curious and invested in yorick and ampersand’s future.

also got to read Ex Machina Vol. 1: The First Hundred Days. big-ups to brian k vaughan for delivering another fresh twist on comic book storytelling. while not as fast-paced as Y, this bad boy does have some good layers and an interesting “secret” ima keep looking for this one on different bookshelves but ima wait till i get through the next story arc before putting down some cash.

meanwhile, back at the poetry-ranch, i got through Gorgeous Mourning in one sitting and walked away underwhelmed. i appreciate what jones is doing and she did keep me engaged throughout but i really couldnt find anyway into her work. mind you, the reason i was encouraged to read it was to read a collection that did not have a clearly defined entryway into the writers purpose. i guess that foreknowledge kept me from being completely turned off by the work but the real bottom line is that i am at a stage in my writing where i crave to read work that begs me to write a sequel poem. this is not me saying that i will go off and write the great follow up. in fact, i probably will fail to do such a task but i still need to try at this point.

not sure what to get my hands dirty with next but it better be good cuz my reading/free time has just been severely reduced thanks to my new job which starts in 10 hours.

love ya like ima love tomorrow’s strong morning coffee

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  1. two recommendations, assuming you haven’t read them yet (i will limit them to two, otherwise, we’d be here all day):

    1. comic book: pop gun war by farel dalrymple (dark horse comics)

    2. poetry: hip logic by terrance hayes

    want more? email me. :)

  2. hey brother o, I got a rec for you too. woodcuts of women, by dagoberto gilb. chicano dude from texas, el A, and was just here in the n y c

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