Spindle is now live

Many thanks to Spindle for including my poem “I’m Jus Askin” as part of their soft launch!

A word from Editor Guy LeCharles Gonzalez:

Spindle is an online literary magazine with a twist, featuring creative non-fiction, poetry and short fiction by, for and about New Yorkers — literal and spiritual. Showcasing emerging writers, artists, musicians and other creative types, we are dedicated to the fundamental idea that cultural diversity, not cash or pseudo-celebrity, rules everything around us.

Why does it exist?

Because the New Yorker can be rather boring sometimes?

Because the Village Voice ain’t what it used to be?

Because TimeOut and CitySearch are kind of lame?

Because there’s far too many creative people in this City and not nearly enough interesting venues to feature their work?

Or, more simply, why the hell not?

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