Vamonos Pa’l Monte

What a crazy last few weeks I’ve had. The way things are going right now, I’ve got half-a-mind to head over to the Oaks Card Club with nothing more than six bits in my pocket and see if I can walk out with a new Prius.

A’ight. Maybe not so much.

Still, there is much to be grateful for in my poetry life lately. Great wife, good friends, contact with mentors, growing community and new writing (poems, short stories, plays). Barb will soon be blogging for the Poetry Foundation. And now add to this bounty the invitation to speak on a panel at AWP. Oh yeah, I’m feeling good and lucky.

This after telling Barb how much I’ve been dying to check out AWP. Not for the nonsense, gossip and geekiness (Oh no, that I’ll save for when I hit Comic Con. Yoo hoo!) but to just be a poet who loves print culture and see what goes down behind the scenes. Of course, this does remind me of that episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer where the Scoobie are acting all dumb and Spike is equal parts horrified and ashamed at the realization of how wack-jobbed the crew that constantly kicks his ass really is. (Oh yes, Comic Con, you are next on my wish list.)

Anyways, I’m still psyched to be at AWP as a panelist participant but also hope to cause a little bit of slam/performance/street/Nuyo/Acentos/spoken word/Latino/Bronx/Oakland poet raucous in the house. If you are also going to AWP and want to say ‘What up!’ I’ll be easy to find, look for the dude with the I ♥ Haters shirt.

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  1. Sheryl, it would be great to see ya in Denver. Not just at the panel but maybe also for some lunch or something. Poetry events are great but the real joy lies in actually talking and meeting folks like you.

  2. Oscar,
    That sounds great! I'd love to meet you and Barbara Jane. Send me an email at sherylluna and hotmail dot com and I can send you guys my cell phone number or something. I know the town ;)

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