in the place to be

i am up in columbia u’s shapiro hall next to fish as i check up on my email and we both the jets vs pats game. guess who i’m rootin’ for?

in hand is some new hotness where i leave some instructions to mah peeps if i should pass away. morbid? maybe but it’s a damn good writing exercise.

the mahina movement event will be kicking off in a bit and the joy of having at least one new poem to read makes me feel good.

last night i got to check out willie perdomo and john rodriguez at the tribes. let me tell you, dat sheet was enuf to fuel me for a good few weeks. john should be called “car wash rodriguez” cuz he is automatic and willie performed some a set of all new hotness. the after party involved pizza, fizzy lizzy, mad jokes, a guest appearance from an nuyorican, some sad truths, john steppin on my kicks a lot (“you lucky we live in a civilized age. in ’88 dat sheet woulda got you stabbed!”) and mad snaps all around. straight up, mah life is blessed.

especially when you factor in that i got to crash downtown and have mad inside jokes with two of the blog.tribe

love ya like if i popped your cork!

on to the series

apparently, i am now a cardinals fan… fine by me… pujols, walker
and manager, tony larussa, have been faves of mine for a while…
roger clemens ran out of gas… too bad for him… actually, too bad
for bagwell & bigio who i would have really loved to see go the big
dance… since i did NOT attend nats this year, i have NO problem
rooting for the “gas house gang”…

back to poetry… i have not written sheet in the last month…
butkis… nada… zilch

i am in the conundrum of performance poetry… while busy memorizing
my work and (hopefully) improving my performance, i have not had any
real time to work on the vaunted “new shit”…

good news, though… i have a feature this sunday with rich & fish as
we help out our favorite locas, mahina movement, with an event
celebrating brothers in da movement… this is why i love mahina…
they know how to spread the love…

the challenge is clear- fish & rich must be SICK to death of the
greatest hits by now and mahina has seen me a couple of times as well
doin the standards… i will have some new sheet for this sunday… it
will probably be written 30 minutes before hand… we shall see

on to the series

apparently, i am now a cardinals fan… fine by me… pujols, walker
and manager, tony larussa, have been faves of mine for a while…
roger clemens ran out of gas… too bad for him… actually, too bad
for bagwell & bigio who i would have really loved to see go the big
dance… since i did NOT attend nats this year, i have NO problem
rooting for the “gas house gang”…

back to poetry… i have not written sheet in the last month…
butkis… nada… zilch

i am in the conundrum of performance poetry… while busy memorizing
my work and (hopefully) improving my performance, i have not had any
real time to work on the vaunted “new shit”…

good news, though… i have a feature this sunday with rich & fish as
we help out our favorite locas, mahina movement, with an event
celebrating brothers in da movement… this is why i love mahina…
they know how to spread the love…

the challenge is clear- fish & rich must be SICK to death of the
greatest hits by now and mahina has seen me a couple of times as well
doin the standards… i will have some new sheet for this sunday… it
will probably be written 30 minutes before hand… we shall see

high, fly ball… goin’ deep… and it’s

not going the yankees way at the moment

clearly, the sox have all the momentum with schilling comin’ thru like
a champ last night. makin me just a wee bit worried. i had every
confidence that the yanks would pull it out last night but we know
thats not how it went.

and this is what makes sports really fun… tonight, the new york
yankees will ground the curse dead into boston’s face and end
another season for the sox.

interestingly enough, over the past few weeks i have met quite the
number of bosox fans. of course, i always have a good time with them
because a fan is a fan and you can go over the good times and the bad
times (with boston fans there are more bad than good but who’s
counting?) while trying to one up the next person and makin the bold
declaration- this is the year.

yeah, this is the year… that the yanks could go down in history as
the only team to blow a 3-0 lead which would NOT be cool.

quote of the night- after the fans revolt when the umps call a.rod out
for interference
“dood, it looks like ACENTOS up in yankee stadium!”
thanks, rog ;-)

i dont know how they are going to do it and i dont know who will step
up tonight (i would like it to be matsui and have him continue the
quiet warrior tradition of the yanks) but all i know is that somebody
better make good cuz its one thing to lose (tips his hat to the
d.backs and marlins) but to lose to bah.stun? “ahhhhhhhh hell
nooooooooooooooo” (in best black muppet voice- ask me about it one
day- its really quite funny- Hell.No the Black Muppet, that is)

first though is synonymUS with rachel kann, rick pernod (who is really
truly amazing and if there was ever a vote for bronx poet laureate- he
is who i would check on my ballot), some high class jibaro
named rich villar and the wondrous ms jessica torres (who has leaped
all the way to #1 on google search in just a few short months
overtaking some teen porn princess by the same name)

and then, ah yeah, the yankees comin through and getting ready for the
series where we will take on the traitorous clemens and his astros

or sumthin like that…

love ya like mezzanine seating