last night i was reading through some passages from Nick Flynn’s book, Some Ether, and i was really blown away by not only his observations but also his poetic “arrogance” which i define as an ability to lay down universal truths in a voice that is so coherent and specific that it can not be denied.

for all the arrogance i enjoy in life it seems harder and harder to translate that to my work. i feel that i keep dancing around the issues and not attacking them full on. ima need to get a lil looser with mah work and see if i can nail down some of these questions and see what erupts. i may be wrong but that hasnt stopped me before.

speaking of which, eliel recently asked me about “being ready” for stuff. you know like features in local venues and such. i told him, “dude, i am the last one to tell anybody if they are or are not ready for an event” this coming from the fact that i was NOT ready for a lot of things early on in the game. sheet, i wasnt even ready for my first time on the mic. i applied all of two weeks of studying poets on stage combined that with zero formal writing training and hit the mic. some call this extremely brave and others call it extremely stupid, with the only difference being the end result. three years later, i am still at it so it must be quite brave but, as evidenced by the first paragraph, often time i feel like i have still not learned all that much. i was not ready for my first slam, not ready to help found a series, not ready for slammastering, and i can certainly say there was one feature that i was most definitely not ready for but i took all those experiences and made them work for me so that when a few other things came along later in the game- like Acentos, i was ready.

last week at Acentos, we had to fight off a good number of yankee fans to get through the night. if i was still the same host that jumped up one september at bar13 to help out, i would have gotten smoked! and with me, all the other poets that came to do their thing but i was able to blend it all together and make the magic happen. here’s something- do some of y’all know that Slam was created to help quiet down folks that happend to show up to the bars we are performing in, folks who have every right to get druck and yell at a TV screen since thats what the bar does 90% of the time? well, it’s true and even if you dont like Slam, it’s pretty naive to imagine that everyone loves poetry. rule one- they dont have to lsiten to you! it’s your job to keep them interested and not the other way around.

ph sheet, the arrogance is returning! let me go then, cuz thats rule two- always leave them wa…

POESÍA 100%: Espada, Komunyakaa, Zurita, Doty, Vicuña and more!

a public service annoucement y’all

ps- many of the blog.tribe will be in attendance and there will be an after party!

Dear Friends: please join us for this important poetry


October 16, 2004

8 p.m.

POESÍA 100%: Martín Espada, Yusef Komunyakaa, Raúl Zurita, Mark Doty, Cecilia Vicuña, Marie Ponsot & Cristóbal Bianchi with Casagrande.

The New School, Tishman Auditorium

66 West 12th St., New York City.

$5 donation to Casagrande.

Advance tickets: 212-229-5488.

Hosted by Rattapallax, New School Graduate Writing Program, louderARTS & Terra Incognita.

Hosted by Idra Novey.

Before the America’s 9/11, there was another one in Santiago, Chile when the dictator Augusto Pinochet used Hawker Jets to bomb the Presidential Palace on

September 11, 1973 to remove the democratically elected President Salvador Allende. As a counter reaction to the bombing, Casagrande, an underground literary organization of young poets born during Pinochet, rented a helicopter and dropped 100,000 poems on the Presidential Palace on March 23, 2001. They followed

with a bombing of Dubrovnik, Croatia and Gernika, Spain — both cities bombed in the past.

“I reminisce”

go over to one bonafide rojas‘ very own blog and drop him a birthday greeting…

i just wrote some ultra sappy sheet about how he was one of the first latinos i ever seen attack the open mic like a fiend, how he took me under his wing at my first nats, how he gave me a shitty score at my first slam (he was actually quite kind in retrospect), the amazing Q&A we had walking from chelsea to spring lounge last summer that no one ever heard, how he always come through when i need him and all kinds of ‘why dont you two get it over with and get married’ sheet but all you really need to know is that he is one of the people that i would keep paying money to see cuz he is always trying to outdo himself and works the mic as well as anybody in this scene… anybody!

feliz cumpleano, scatta!

the sports edition

:: the yankees delivered some exciting baseball last night. i am
looking for them to get past the twins and crush the dreams of boston
fans, again! how will they do this? pure smoke and mirrors.

no one from the pitching staff has stepped up and even the mighty
mariano is falling down to mortal level and as mo goes- so goes the

a-rod has been great in the field and at the bat (not to mention the
fact that in MERCHANDISE alone, the yanks have made good cash) but he
cant pitch and thats what its all gonna boil down to.

i am looking for the astros to ride work horse roger clemens all the
way to the promised land

:: hockey. i know, no one really cares but this is some seriosu shit.
i do not understand why the government does NOT get involved in these
talks. this isnt just a game or even a fourth tier national past
time, this is people’s jobs on the line. i could care less for
billionaire owners and millionare superstars but what about the guy, the beer.guy, the concession stand worker, the waitress
at the watering hole by the garden, the souvenier guys, the LIRR folks
who are employed because of a hockey season? no one gives a hot damn
that these folks, who count on this money coming in, will not be able
to send their kids to college or make payments that need to be made.
in the interim, the lawers and pr staff stay employed and even making
some extra off the misfortune of others. government has to step in
and let owners & players know…
“i dont care who is wronf or who is right- you all sit down and work
this out till you come up with a contract”
of course, this shit aint gonna happen

:: ricky williams. what an ass. f’ing his team over and then seeing
how he can get back in the league. there is a reason why the greeks
burnt the boats- they was winning or dying trying. ricky is a sad
example of the superstar athlete realizing, he aint that super.

:: the nba. the knicks still aint shit. a product of a front office
more interested in selling tickets than winning championships. the
nets are headed in the same direction- i cant see how the city is
gonna give them all these breaks to set up in brooklyn when in three
years this team wouldnt be able to beat Christ the King.

looking forward to shaq vs kobe. i think shaq is THE biggest asshole
in allof sports but kobe trying to use him to justify his arrest last
summer is some low down sheet. kobe, great athlete- lousy human
being. this is the problem of surrounding yourself with sycophants.
poets, take note.

:: nascar. i turn on to this only for the last three laps and the
crashes. better yet said, this is my favorite SportCenter sport- all
highlights and commentary.

:: nyc football. this must be the third sign of the apocalypse or
some shit. the jets AND the giants looking this good? and only
looking to do better? some one hand me my oxygen tank! it’s still ny
sports though and only one thing matters- the big one.

look for the eagles to knock the giants and the jets, well, they’ll be
the jets and lose the last four games of the season. google this
entry later y’all.

love ya like front row seats & cracker jacks!