feelin’ diva

last night, for the first time in a long time, i actually performed a

poem at bar13. mind you, it is not like i have totally shunned

reading on mondays but with the sabbatical i took over the summer and

my (incorrect?) assumption that my voice (as a feature and as a host)

is heard often enough, it seems that i have not read there as often as i should.

i did ‘Sorta Rican’ and rocked it in a way that does the poem justice. less body, more voice and hands and enough faith in the next line to find the pauses. i have been able to consistently nail the funny and ironically sad lines in the poem but finding the anger that comes from a few of the lines and serves to rocket me into the core stanzas has been a challenge. it will continue to be a challenge as i do not anger well in public (in private is a different matter). some folks that know me from parties and hosting and being a jackass on mondays gave me some refreshing words and commentary afterwards. ima have to make it a point to hit 13 with some more work that needs to be tested on the stage. not too sure if the same applies for acentos but we shall see.

(btw: if you were there last night, did ya notice how hard mah right

foot was shakin’? the nerves, they NEVER go away!)

it seems that the muse is smiling on a bunch of us lately (visit Matt

& Eliel’s blogs to read some great new work & listen for Nina’s new


love ya like if i found the crux of the poem in mah natural voice

round two

i am heading out to 13 in a bit. i may do some new warm.ness or i may
do “Sorta Rican” which actually has not gotten that much play there
and has only been read ONCE at acentos.

this last week was thankfully poetry thin and yesterday, at mah
niece’s birthday party, i went out of mah way to speak to someone out
of the immediate circle and talk about more than just me self. which
is kinda easy at mah sister’s since there is room for more than just
poetry in her house. of course, in that i got me a nice little piece
of inspiration and i may just co.op some one else’s life experience to
make me own stories.

finally memorized Capicu and with mah newly memorized cover of Martin
Espada’s “Rebellion is the circle of a lover’s hands” i can happily
say that i can drop a full twenty minute feature right off the dome
which is kinda cool since you never know when you might be in the
right place and the right time.

love ya like if i walked through the hurricane just to bring you fresh coffee

this weekend- no.poetry.zone

unless raymond has the synonymUS CD ready then i might chill at his
spot and listen to it…

otherwise, i am going to dodge more than a presidential candidate (he
gets political!) out of any and all poetry for the next few days… i
may even miss monday at 13, not sure yet but i think i would rather
spend the time going over my NYFA entry

last night was awesome. i got me a massage, then some rice & beans,
and watched the finals of the World Series of Poker and then ended the
night with some Sports Center but not before having two of the best
phone conversations

for the first one, i plugged in the headset and just went on and on,
back & forth, makin mad inside jokes, GOOD poetry talk and listening
to the train doors closing on the P.

then, out of the blue, i get this random email at almost midnight that
says ‘i’m up, callif ya like’ well sure, why not? and proceeded to
speak of all things Aidan Quinn, “The Huntress,” why Margot Kidder
ruined Superman, “G vs E,” “Law & Order,” lots and lots of L&O (damn,
i sure talk a lot about the shows on the USA network cuz the “Femme
Nikita,” which by the way wuz the grestest show ever, comes up an
awful lot) and GOOD poetry talk.

it’s always funny how you never know how chill someone can be until
you actually TRY to have a conversation something that outside of
poetry circles i am very, very bad in. lately whenever there is a
party i keep retreating to what i know best and do NOT take the
chances that i really should be takin…

love ya like if i found forensic evidence that clears you of all charges

marathon man

back in the day i had a joke about my gas tank, i would say that i was
so low on gas that my meter isn’t on E, it’s on D… that’s where i’m
at today

to the audience, i did a fine job of hosting yesterday. good. as for
me, it was a struggle (and struggle) to keep the energy up on three
sentences. next show will be better, for sure. the post show wrap up
was, as usual, real good.

mexican food, talking with fish about pie.in.the.sky.plans and then
passing completely out on the way home (thanks, rich)

while i have mad respect for corrina bain and recommend all of y’all
to go see her at urbana- ima stay home today

love ya like if i did a hurdle jump over a stage wire for ya

off to synonymUS

i have in my hand release contracts, musical arrangements, show
scripts and a time table that would give NASA a headache

this will NOT be one of mah usual
lets.see.what.i.can.say.to.keep.the.crowd.into.the.show moments

hella nervous about this but ray will be to mah right and
team.synonymUS all around me so it cant be that bad

oh yeah, i may also have to perform!