dont let the rain stop ya- come out tonight and hit up the bronx museum of the arts… its a real chill spot and we are going to do the reading by the windows that look out to the concourse… kinda like acentos but more quiet (and with AC)
the yankees are thinking they are the mets and are trying to make this penant race close… know why steinbrenner isnt sayin anything- cuz his shit sells tickets!… few weeks back the end yanks vs sox games would have been a nice chance to boo pedro and the boys… now its serious
starting to get a lil nervous about this hosting gig… its easier when i am doin shit in my own house (acentos) but when you go into someone else’s space its almost like house sitting… some advance hosting tips (courtesy of my early synonymUS gigs and the movie “a civil action”): never ask a question you dont already know the answer to
michele called me a bit ago and we nailed down some last minute specs… she is so gonna rock… i love the chance to let other people do their stuff
i finally got a chance to check out Camarades up in el barrio… the place is damn nice… good looking menu, too… also got to check out Jake’s as well… lets see: three years ago- NO latino mics in new york- now, three spots are happening in harlem… not sayin’, just sayin’
i havent gotten to that point in reviewing my recent gigs but just let me say that eliel rocked out in his uppercase feature… new work, old work, a lot of energy but effectively used in the right spots… i cant wait to see what is the next surprise that he pulls from his sleeve
i bought a fitness mag the other day… somebody that is sporting a god damn vw bug under their shirt comes up to me and comments on my gut… the last time this happened (in front of my ol’ roommates- mike & tom)… i went on a three week “bagel for breakfast, soup for lunch and no dinner” diet and upped my cardio at the gym… it was enough to do the trick… this time around- ima have to resort to some black coffee and crunches… lets see what happens
i thought i was finally gonna get a good night of sleep last night but it wasnt meant to be… my average is from 2am to 7am and sometimes not even that much…
synonymus is next week… you know why these shows always do well?… cuz ray medina busts his ass to make it that way… i am honored to host this suckah but mostly cuz i know it means ray trusts me with his baby… there have been three open jams for people to work their stuff and ray has been laying down new beats for mara & matt… the lil series that could is still makin it happen y’all
love ya like if ya called me while walking through campus…