its been a long time…

so hella busy…

by this time next week-

i will have been a member of my sister’s wedding party

i will miss my first nationals

i will have performed at

a) the JP Morgan Chase Latino Cultural Festival

b) the Audobon Street Festival in Washington Heights

c) the Nuyo for an anti RNC reading

thats on the DEFINITE list

on the fun list

i will have read at 1st Wednesdays featuring Guy

i will have caught a dance performance before the Audobon gig

on the review tip

TEAM ACENTOS kicked some major ass in all the venues. MC’s analysis is pretty on the money in that the team’s confidence did grow more and more each and every time they went up there. everybody got to rock out in at least two of the venues. the team went through quite a bit of practice and they came through it like troopers. (the MOST fun of the practices was the night that we got to take over Carlitos Cafe, literally! the owner had to leave and was planning on closing the spot at 8pm (which is when we arrived) and juan calls up jess “the spot is closed” OH HELL NO! with just a smile and a handshake, the owner let us keep the place open till 11pm and we ran the door, mic, sound system, bar and cash register till we closed up. while this may seem weird to some- shit like this happens to me all the time- word!)

i love the team to death and it just adds fuel to my fire that slam is an awesome tool to help poets locate their voice. note the word ‘tool’ as in it is a means and not an ends. ’nuff said.

my totally.not.into.poetry.homeboy asks, “are you disappointed not going to nationals” nope, not at all. while i loves mah peoples on the team, i know that as long as they are in the hunt there is no serious time to bug out and i hate being a fly in the wall for team practices, ‘specially the ones right before a bout. thats TEAM time and i know that i aint on the team. if asked i would do it but i aint inviting mahself- just aint mah way.

the more difficult challenge for me will involve my sister’s wedding which i am happy to be a part of but me and my sis still have HUGE communication problems but that is old news for those that know. i will behave to the fullest and there may be some sacrifice involved in that there may be a gate crasher to my sisters greatest day. if that sheet should go down, ima be the ass and take one for the team. my dad tried to say he would but his ass is REALLY old and then who would dance with my sis? same with e and k, cant let them get caught up in silliness. of course, i dont think that the gate crash is gonna happen but if it does… i’ll just do what the moment calls for.

i need a hobby and fast! luckily, i just won some arts lessons from a friend so who knows, maybe i will turn out to be good at that… gotta go and help a friend…

more stuff latah (for realz)


You are invited to


A PUBLIC FUNDRAISING EVENT where NYC ARTISTS & COMMUNITIES come together & create possibilities during an evening of Artistic ___Expression.

~Art, Culture Exchange & a Revolutionary Connection~

SATURDAY JULY 17, 20047:00 PM sharp-10:30 PM

Where: St. Mark’s Church 131 East 10th Street(between 3rd & 2nd Ave, closer to 2nd Ave on the corner)New York City, New York- take 6 train to Astor Place


Emcee: Oscar Bermeo and music by DJ OJA     Key Note Speaker: Diana Vega


$10 Suggested Donation, however, all contributions will be graciously accepted and no one will be turned away.  All proceeds from the event will be put towards a Scholarship & given to a Full-Time student/s who is majoring in the Arts & using his/her work to help & promote Community development and leadership.


Artists Performing that evening:

Acentos Bronx Poetry Showcase

Allen Kûkekâlenaikalaninui Kam, Hula

David Phillips, Pianist

Dee Ann Macomson, Singer/ Songwriter

Erica DeLaRosa, Spoken Word

Flow Mercy, MC & Spoken word

Florence Yoo, Music

George Aslaender, Guitarist

Juan Diaz, Spoken Word

Lynne Procope, Spoken Word

Louis Reyes Rivera, Spoken Word

Masauko Chipembere, Music

Ora Wise, Spoken Word

Owl Red Moon, BlackNative Dance

Siaki, Samoan Fire Dance

Sparlha, Spoken Word & Music

The Tulen Center, Indonesian Martial Arts

Mika, R&B & Soul Singer

Vicki Genfan, Singer & Guitarist

ARTISTS with Tables/Displayed:  Dennis Darkeem, JewelryLisardo, Black Books Richard Tupou, Black BooksRhea Vedro, JewelrySamira Hawkins, 10 year old artist                                                            


Film Screening by Jessica Chen Drammeh, of her film, ANOMALY 


Communities Represented: Adoption Crossroads, Activism, African Americans, Arab Women in the Arts, Asian Americans, Black Book Arts Movement, Black Natives, Caribbean, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Elementary School in Brooklyn, Irish Americans, GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender), Girls with Guitars, Haitian, Harlem, Hip Hop, Jews Against the Occupation, Latinos, Latino Poetry in the Bronx, Latino Theater, Lower East Side,  Mothers in the Arts, Multiethnic, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders (Samoans, Hawaiians, Maoris, Tongans, Papua New Guinea), Puerto Ricans, South Africans, South Asians, Theater in NYC, Mexicans and Xicanos, Queens, and Youth Arts & Education.


Organizations Represented with Tables & Information:

Acentos, Bronx Poetry Showcase

Adoption Crossroads

APICHA (Asian & Pacific Islander Coalition onHIV/AIDS)

AYE (Artists Youth Educators)

InternationalBlackout Arts Collective

breathingPOETRY Workshops

Community~Word Project, Inc.

The Fusion Series

GAPIMINY(Gay Asian Pacifs Islander Men in New York)

Jews Against the Occupation


Mahina Movement, all women performance ensemble

Mixed Media Watch

People of African Descent

SALAAM! (South Asian League of Artists in America)

Swirl Inc.

synonymUS Experimental Poetry Workshop

The Tulen Center

Thirdwave Foundation

Queens Theatre in the Park

Urban Pasifika New York City

Voices Unbroken

For more info/scholarship info, please Contact

the dilithium cells red to go!

i am back from the 1800s, y’all!

no cell phone, no internet, no cable, NO CHARMED!!!

in the self-fulfilling prophecy department- i read half of Jimmy Santiago Baca’s “Winter Poems Along the Rio Grande”

life seems much sweeter now. the BRIO is finally going to get here and i am looking forward to writing the poems that will get me another one in 2006. i have already promised myself that all new hotness will go into my next BRIO manuscript. two years is a long time but then again two years ago i was half debating whether or not i would be going to nats and then the story unfolds… well, at least the public one

that air of renewal is spreading quickly with more and more people being touched by the poetry gods in strange and phenomenal ways.

the “real” journal is getting more & more play with some serious honesty going on in there. stuff that would paint me the villian in my own movie but i can see different endings all the time

sometimes its jack nicholson in ‘one flew over the cukoos nest’

and then other times its sonny chiba in ‘street fighter’

then again you can see some richard gere in ‘primal fear’

or maybe i am playing edward norton, not too sure

blink again and see myself as ‘edward scissorhands’

the ride gets too crazy when i start laying it all down and wildly imagining that i am going to write myself how this suckahs going to end

next wednesday

Wednesday, July 7th, 6:00 pm

BRIO (Bronx Recognizes Its Own) Award Ceremony

Hostos Community College

E 149th St & Grand Concourse, Bronx (Take the 2,4,5

Trains to E 149th St Station)

… email me if you want to attend but the real party

will be afterwards at the blue ox

Wednesday, July 7th, 7:00 pm

First Wednesdays @ The Blue Ox Bar

E.J. Antonio & Elana Bell + open mic

Oscar Bermeo hosts!

E.J. Antonio lives in Mount Vernon, NY. She has

attended the Sarah Lawrence College Writer’s

Conference and participated in two Cave Canem New York

regional workshops. She is on the founding committee

of The Poetry Caravan, which encourages poets to

volunteer to give readings and workshops at

Westchester area nursing homes and shelters. She has

appeared as a featured reader at the Brooklyn Society

for Ethical Culture, the Cornelia Street Café, the

A.I.R. Gallery and frequently reads at open-mike

sessions in New York City, Brooklyn and Westchester.

Her work has been featured online at and


Elana Bell, a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College,

was selected as the winner of the 2004 Stephen Dunn

Poetry Award. She is a member of the louderARTS

Project, and performs her work at Bar 13 in New York

City. She has also been featured at Hunter College,

Teachers and Writers Collaborative, The Bowery Poetry

Club, The Wow Café Theater, Cornelia Street Café, and

Rikers Island Correctional Facility. She is the

co-founder of SynonymUS, a multi disciplinary poetry

based performance workshop series which originated at

the Bowery Poetry Club. She recently co-created and

performed in Impossible Home, a multi disciplinary

ensemble piece for the People’s Poetry Gathering 2003.

Elana will be featured in the upcoming Downtown Rhythm

Festival at Primary Stages Theater this May.

Publications include: Words and Images Magazine (April

2004), Houston Poetry Festival Journal (2001), and two

chapbooks: Dreaming of Doorways and Name Carvings.

First Wednesdays is part of the Bronx Council on the

Arts’ Cultural Trolley. All readings are followed by

an open mic, and take place on the first Wednesday of

the month, at 7:00 pm at the Blue Ox Bar, located at

Third Avenue & 139th Street in the Bronx. Take the #6

train to 138th Street Station, walk one block north.

For more info, call the Writers’ Center @718 409 1265.

On the first Wednesday of the month passengers board

the Trolley in front of Hostos Center for the Arts and

Culture, the site of the Longwood Art Galley @ Hostos.

The trolley continues along its route which includes

stops at various cultural spots in the South Bronx.

For more information on the Bronx Cultural Trolley,

please call 718 931 9500, ext. 33.


if you are reading this, chances are you also received a couple of emails about it as well. the blog world is not that big. it looks like on a dull day i am averaging about 20 hits a day which means i could probably tell you who all those folks are and who their feavorite backstreet boy is.

i was asked recently why i actually do this and what help it brings to my artistic and personal life. for the artistic it is cool in that i can work out some of the debates at my own pace and in my own head before bringing it to the arenas of opinion. for the personal, it has actually been real limiting. there is a lot i would like to write about but for what end? to get more hits? to have people marvel at my honesty? or be amazed at the depths of my depravity?

nah. i’ve always been undercover. always enjoyed living the adventure without any running commentary. i still love going to the nuyo because i can be just an audience member there. not worry about the door or how the hosting is going or why the crowd is light or any of that other crap. ditto for ‘word is bond’ at carlitos. hec one runs his show the way he sees fit and i am just happy to get on the mic when i can.

i’ve been keeping a personal journal as of late. that bad boys gets to see the shit nobody else does. some gawd awful attempts at poetry as well.

little shocker- unlike most, i never actively wrote until i started going to 13. you could say that my poet age is about 3 maybe 4 years old and that includes actively reading poetry & writing. there is the oft forgotten rewrite of seal’s “show me the way” that i hooked wanda up with. since wanda was in love with me- she thought it was the bomb but i’ve gone down that road a few times already.

(just took a thirty minute break to deal with-

*giving back props to a mentor

*getting some encouragement from a surprise email

*putting together an august event

*dealing with gov’t funding issues

*getting down on some collard greens & rice)

of course, i always marvel at people that have been writing since they were young. there is nothing that i am doing today that i was doing when i was young except for lazy sundays watching tv and even that is a rarity these days. my only real hobbies have been those of obsession and impulse which kinda leads me to believe they were just warm ups for my current life as a writer.

at yesterdays louder than words, guy asked dawn & rich what was the biggest change in their time in poetry. for me, i am getting harder and harder on myself as time passes. i want to read more. i want to write more. i want to publish. i want to stage a variety of events. and everytime i stumble at these things, i reflect and try to see what will be better next time. what can i learn from this setback to help it be better next time. and there is always a flaw. perfection is for the lazy and arrogant. something best left to street corner prophets who have it all figured out… me, i need a little doubt to continue