and we go to the video tape

i have a reading tomorrow- i double booked myself like a jackass- i hate it when i do that!

almost had a reading this afternoon. i was approached at 10:00 am to do a reading in newark at 2:00 pm and i was supposed to get their on my own. maybe it was the after glow of a really good episode of Charmed but i almost went through with it. this is the kind of mic junkie i have become

newsflash- o.b. to be a featured reader at the JP Morgan Chase Latino Cultural Festival at Queens Theatre in the Park (Flushing Meadows Corona Park, #7 to Willets Point-Shea Stadium) on Thursday, August 5th at 8PM.

Seating is limited. Reservations are required to attend. Call the Box Office at (718) 760-0064.

…flushing meadows park! the ecua version of central park!

speaking of, caught the end of the Mofongo Affair… its actually Miguel Algarin’s Mongo Affair but i kept fuckin’ up the name… it seems that i caught the best of the show- the end… all good, the post poetry jam was at BBQs and the crew had a dope time… the circle grows with raj and birthday boy, duffy joining the usual latino suspects for some of the normal sillyness

Welcome to African American Airlines

Our slogan

We get you there… a’ight!

The film for your flight is The Friday After Thanksgiving with Ice Cube & Beyonce

The push cart is coming through with 40s, Alize and Hypnotique

if you need anything else-


i tried something new when i should a stuck with the tried and true ribs & chicken… tato!… folks was gigging on duffys stage name… personally, he could call himself whatever he wants as long as he sticks to getting better… ya know?

on thursday i walked from 91st street to 42nd street- (hits the barry gibb falsetto) what the fuck is up wit dat!

yeah, i aint done a trek like that since i was like 19 or sumthin

it was cool, me and tata spent the time well… i may go back to school, if only to hang by the escalator to gig on people

read at the old folks home, they were great

did mucho poetry work today… too much in fact…

also, hot off the wire, it appears i may have some love in me after all… who’d a thunk it?

see ya tomorrow at ray’s feature

inside jokes (post Acentos edition)

“what you dont know is the kind of control freak he really is”

as per a semi-dare- ray medina, bonafide, jess and fish got called with morning intros today

“and next up at the copy machine…”

mucho fun last nite, the list and the house were a little thin when i got there but by the end- twenty open-micers! for some reason that is the number that makes me happy

though there is something to be said for nine-teen… TEEN!

“define growth”

i love nothing more than to put into action all those endless debates we have about art, vision, craft, the future, literature, the canon, et al

i dont think there is anyone i love that i have not had at least one good- Well, you know, you’re wrong!

type conversation

just because you are my friend doesnt mean we have to agree all the time

“you just presented the most exquisite precise argument i have ever heard, but guess what oscar, that still doesnt mean you are right”

a few months back it was pointed out that one of the flaws to Acentos is that some great poets will not have an opportunity to feature there and that conclusion is dead on the money. HOWEVER, in its short time Acentos has brought the spotlight to a bunch of folks that have wanted to read but dont get asked, go figure. AND, it has inspired many folks to pick up the pen with a thought that is bigger and greater than just getting a TEN or just selling product. meaning, we’ve helped some folks and not helped some others… well, after a year and a half of this i think i can live with that especially after hearing amalia talk about how she was able to bust a piece in front of the ox that she doesnt like to do so much since non-latinos only focus on the stereotype and not the person. w.e.r.d.

“you aint got no love”

oh, i got mad love its just my arms are only so long and i aint trying to hug the world just mah friends

“and that gets a WEPA!”


tonight at bar13

i will be hosting louderMONDAYS. this should be interesting. technically, its my second time up to bat, the first being a louderJAM i co-hosted with lynne that had some problems beforehand (what else is new?) and ended on a real high note with the bar singing Happy.Birthday to a certain newcomer to the scene by the name of mara jebsen.

funny how hosting at 13 has never been high on my list of stuff i wanted to do poetically and there are a few thing i would like to do but havent gotten the chance to do… yet

to put it in real perspective, i just finished doing a ten a.m. poetry workshop in spanish harlem. a 90 minute class on the most gorgeous summer solstice i can remember and the kids listened the whole time and wrote some stuff at the end. i only did two poems of my own and a willie perdomo cover of ‘Where I’m From’ and spent the rest doing q&a and talkin about the process. and, to top it all off, these are special ed kids (they never tell me these things before hand- they just LOVE popping these things on me AFTER the fact!) and it went GREAT…. so if i can survive the 5th grade special ed inclusive class of ps 57- a room full of poets looks pretty easy in contrast

still, i plan on putting my own little brand of silliness on the night. come on by, should be fun!