very, very inside

Cellular Change Bring Real Life “Day After Tomorrow” To Life

Tue Jun 1, 2004 6:37 PM ET

BRONX, New York (Reuters) – Terrified of being responsible for the death of innocents should her phone fall next to live wire lines, Lovella Rose inadvertently sets off disaster. Full Article


it’s 6:27 right now and the reason we are having a sudden thunder storm is because our dear lil calica is getting a new phone… w.e.r.d.

since they have to download her info (in DOS) and transfer her old battery to a waste removal center (the EPA has been contacted), the subsequent ionic discharge has wrecked havoc on ecosystems all over the hemisphere (kinda like the Perfect Storm 2)

luckily, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is on the watch and are assuring us that all is well… in related news, no! lovella’s old phone was not the rumored US WMD…

reporting live from the bx… i be o.b.

calling all critics

I may be putting together a chapbook. Eliel and Juan (along with fashion consultant, Francie Johnson) were quite patient with my ass as I spent a nice portion of Friday night putting together a real BETA version of what may be mah book. So far so good, I have 15 poems and a past blog entry as the meat of the book. I also have pics, working title and format down as well. Some of my older poems need a real serious edit and I also haven’t actually looked at the flow of the book with a serious editor’s eye but for now it’s more of an excuse to rehash older poems and start memorizing newer shit while on the train. Will I have it ready for the July 7th BRIO ceremony? I’m not sure yet. Since I’ve always thrived on input, if you see me, feel free to ask to take a peek and offer some suggestions.

You can ask for a copy but since we aren’t into the mass production phase yet don’t be offended if I don’t have an extra on me. So far only Grande, Lindo and Focus have copies since they were here for the genesis phase. (No, I don’t give everyone a nickname but the more you hang around me late at night and trade dumb jokes, the better the chances)

the countdown continues

not for me but for the ladies of acentos. i gotta say that i am a little nervous for them- mahina movement is an awesome act and opening for a tight group is a great step forward in any poets evolution but they are gonna do just fine and rep us proudly.

maria & jess also get a chance to try some new pieces or work the kinks out of older poems in preparation for their upperCASE. the acentos line continues running through uppercase as fish, rich and i have made the trek but jess kinda blazed a lil ahead of us and uppercase for her is more of an acknowledgment of work and ethic that has been there for quite a while.

and as i write this, i can see some other voices appearing on the horizon. a few weeks back, i was a lil worried, as is my natures, but as of late, some lines have been making my head turn and some poise on the mic has been keeping my attention for a bit. as long as that keeps happening, i can see myself being around here for quite a bit of time.

ACENTAS & MAHINA MOVEMENT at the point tonight- be there, suckahs!

giving props …

I give Guy crazy amounts of credit for helping me early on in poetry but the first person that I can honestly say was an inspiration was Eric Guerrieri.

The first six or so poets I saw onstage at 13 were loud, I mean the first person I ever saw was Beau Sia, and while the rest didn’t have his exact energy they sure as hell were louder than a normal conversation. Leading Oscar to say to himself, “I can not be that loud unless I am fighting with someone.” Then everybody also had their poems memorized which seemed like the most amazing thing on Earth to me at the time.

“OK, to be a poet you have to memorize a damn commencement speech.”

Then you had everybody being real pissed with the majority of the work sounding like rants more than anything else (the more things change…) and the I was producing at the time was short and introspective (which is another way to say corny love poems) making them the exact polar opposite of what I was hearing. In my gut, I knew that a long rant of bombastic volume was not my cup of tea, even back then.

The crowd was giving the work some really strong reactions though leading me to question if the place my gut was leading me was not going to be the stage. Mind you, I had no idea what the stage was really about anyway so that into itself was not going to be a tragedy. I stopped by 13 on a whim. Now that I was here, it was straight recon all the way and if my intel said that I wasn’t cut for this “spoken word” scene then so be it.

Just as I was ready to acknowledge that feeling as fact, Eric Guerrieri comes to the stage with page in hand, sets up the music stand, grabs a chair and just starts reading. No hyperbole, no fireworks, no extra bass. Just straight up reads a poem. I wish I could remember which one it was exactly (I don’t) but I do know it sang to me. It involved narrative and imagery with an overlying metaphor that when you got to the end brought you back to the beginning. Right then and there, I knew that I could write like that. Not sure exactly what I was gonna write about but that looked like the right path to go down.

There were other performances and most of the were really stellar and inspired me in their own way but the one that kept me from calling the night a failed experiment was e(g)’s.

photo by peter dressel Posted by Hello

Later on, I would get to know Eric as a host which is another great influence he has had on me. The mic is a rough place and you don’t know shit until you’ve hosted. Going up there over and over regardless of how good the night is. I mean, of course its fun when you have a kick ass feature and a hungry crowd but try doing that shit on a night with six fuckers in the seats, a heckler and a whack ass feature… uh huh, not the greatest spot on earth. e(g) is lucky in that his skin is dense enough to repel all that shit. On the occasion, I will be told that my hosting skills are butt… on those occasions I just laugh at folks and move cuz I would just LOVE to see them do it on the regular.

The most fun though was the two moth louderWORKSHOP that he taught. One of my best pieces that I never read came from that workshop, that and me learning that workshopping is all about making people feel secure in their writing- errors and brilliance all together in the same basket.

Things in NYC Poetry will continue without e(g) the same way you can’t tell the difference from all the folks running around when you are high up. The way all the automobiles look like toy cars and the skyscrapers like building blocks. The nice thing about that view is that it give you a chance for some perspective and too keep your head up… I hope Eric makes the best of that opportunity.

Hasta la pasta…

don’t mind me- i’m just ranting

so i’ve been getting to see some movies lately which helps fuel a lil sumthin’ more than just the poetry kick. though not that different, as i am looking for details and fuck-ups all the time. (IMDB is great to find story inconsistencies and various goofs- though some of the continuity errors are just nit-picking at its worst/best)

make no mistake, if i dont like a film- i am catching some ZZZs. even some good flicks have put me out with some boring bridges. in the last few weeks- i have fallen asleep on Coffee & Cigarettes & some other british flick. i wanted to sleep through Lost in Translation but the xenophobia and pointless dialogue at least gave me something to riff on. on the flip side, Troy and Y Tu Mama Tambien were both really good and went out and did what they set out to do which is all you can really expect from a flick. Fridays is NOT changing america’s view on compton but it is DAMN funny. i dont smoke but Half Baked is one of my all time faves. on the flip, the Matrix(es) 2 & 3, horribly failed at expanding the mythos of the cyber-christ.

of course, it still is kinda fun riffing on bad movies and my natural hatah comes out whether its at the big theatre or at home. so when the studios decide to fuck with my fun- i get really pissed.

a few months back, ed garcia sent me the link to an early SpiderMan2 trailer… that shit was the bomb!… peter & maryjane at a coffee spot with mj laying down the law and peter torn between his heart & duty… and as it all starts to go down… when he is about to say F.IT! and get with the girl… a car comes flying through the spot… pete goes into spidee time and saves mj… mj tries to figure out what the fuck is going on… and then you see the doc ock arms… some quick flashes… doc ock climbs a building… COMING THIS SUMMER… sign me up!

then, at the Troy screening, i see the new trailer- which tells me the WHOLE FUCKING MOVIE! every twist has been laid out. all that i have to look forward to is the special fx but, hello!, fx dont make a good movie- a good story makes a good movie and if you just told me the whole sheet then why dont i just wait for dvd or even better, go the nearest corner and get it in fabulous GHETTO VISION, for only $5. hollywood thinks everyone is a moron and maybe some folks are (the revolution! mah third eye! down with bush! babies is dyin’! anybody ever been in love?) but i know plenty that aint so PLEASE if you are going to reveal everything then just say so– Warning: SPOILERS!

and i’ll go out and get some drinks- you make some loot, mah theatre experience remains intact- everybody wins!

but NO! the studios just had to fuck it up for me!

the two best films i have ever seen are The Usual Suspects & The Sixth Sense… and why?… cuz i saw them cold… no trailer, no commercial, no friends telling me about it, stone mutha lovin’ cold… hence i had no idea what a kaiser soze was… and was not expecting a great surprise twist at the end… at the second to last scene i say to tina, “this movie sucks! the scene just now with the kid & the mom in the car was better than anything else we’ve seen”… she agreed… then- you know the rest

once upon a time, i used to really love trailers but i think now- ima go out and sneak in some food instead- what you thought i paid that much for a soda?!?!