Law & Order: Crazy Ecuadorian Division

this new poem i have been kicking around, America: My First Love Poem, talks about mah parents journey here and then how i arrived in NYC which is always funny cuz when i tell peeps that i came over in a steam boat and still remember ellis island they get all misty eyed and then i have to slap em in the arm-

“I am 34 years old… Do the math!… I came here in a Pan-Am DC 10!… First class, beetches!”

the story goes that dad left ecua when moms was like 6 months pregnant to start setting up the new life… moms left ecua when i was about 6 months old… back then, as now, you set yourself up… work 70 hours a week… save enough to bring the next relative and next thing you know, you have like 12 members of your family over and everybody pools all their resources to set up some kind of biz or buy a house or something… mah parents, like their kid, are a lil more introverted than that… so i was brought to the good ol’ US at the tender age of 18 months… got reunited with the folks… we waz all happy & reunited… mah moms got pregnant… had mah sis… we went to ecua to set up our papers… showed up at the US consulate office with one of their citizens and then they gave the rest of the clan legal alien status… and then you know the rest

this is the story i have lived with all my life but only when i was on the bus ride to DC did it really hit me- did i even like my parents when i got to NYC? was i hella pissed from being ripped away from two doting grandmas that, from all accounts, treated me like gold? this shit started bugging me and hence- i wrote a poem

yesterday, i am grilling mah dad for some details and i get this lil gem-

“well, your aunt’s husband was not giving you up. he always wanted a son and he was looking at you as that boy. he actually kidnapped you for a few days and they had to get him all drunk to give up your location.”

aint dat sum sheet! i had heard about how mah grandma was offering to raise me in ecua but that my moms was sayin to mah dad- “tell your mother to send me my son!”

but this kidnapping story is kinda crazy

after mah release(!), some strings were pulled and i was sent to the US with an envoy from NYC’s consul office. yeah, thats right- i was government goods! which is a good thing since dad says i caused some major wreck on the six hour plane flight and that the flight crew wanted to toss mah ass out… until they found out i was a diplomatic package and then they changed their tune. “more, similac, baby o.b.?”

o.b.: did i like you guys when i got here?

dad: hell, no! you smashed everything you saw! we couldnt even get pampers on you since you were used to cloth diapers. the first few days we thought about sending you back. then you and your mom bonded and things got back to normal

well, that answers some questions and explains a few things- abandoned at young age, kidnapped, moved to unfamiliar surroundings, moved back, moved some more… oh yeah, the source of some of mah issues gets clearer and clearer…


the illegitimate love child of tego calderon & ric flair Posted by Hello

here is one of the pics taken from the great metro-experience sunday i shared last sunday with jess, eliel & lovella… there are more… they get better/worse (its all perspective)… it was hella fun and sumthin i must do again… btw, this new photo sharing thing Blogger & Hello got goin on is da bomb…

thanks back to all of y’all for all the well wishes on the BRIO… to quote cess “party at oscar’s house”… we shall see…

louder than words… the nick_berg/prison_gate intro left me a lil flat since i dont really understand the whole indignation… we are there, on paper, to liberate the country… hence, prison atrocities are a no go… if we are there, on the real, to wage war on mofos- then two to the head takes care of that and we move on… if the US doesnt listen to the UN, why should we respect the geneva convention?… this goes to the central theme that we do not have a central theme to this war… are we there for WMDs?/are we there for sadaam?/are we there to spread democracy?/are we there to squash al-quaed?/are we just there for some good ol’ fashioned how the west was won payback?… while the mofos that say shit like “they bombed our towers, we’re gonna eliminate them from the planet!” are as ignorant as the sole of mah shoe, they are at least honest and when they shut out logical arguments, it goes back to just simple revenge and while this lil blog and poetry community sees things differently, more & more, everyday, i realize that we are in the serious minority and that 51% of this country (at least the voting part) would be very happy staying over there another four years and blasting anything that moves that looks anything remotely like the pictures of the people that flew the planes into the towers…

more than anything i wonder how long shit like this has been going on? how long has the US been the villain of world politics and been the main puppeteer to shit all over the world. simple answer- post WWII. we needed intelligence in central europe and authorized the CIA to make deals with ex-nazis to collect intel from their remaining contacts. making the elimination of the nazis, as a WWII goal, completely null & void… compromise once- sell out for ever… when did this entry hit the pragmatic.patch?… i dont know

back to louder than words- RAC is the bomb… keith has a lot more history in him than he is dropping… the double patricia smith story is a classic… fyi, & marc smith claim to have invented the group piece (read here)… between the two, i’ll go with keith’s version of the story… note to others- this is why i get really anal when it comes to telling stories right… can you still be indy & top 40?… nope but you can try… ultimately, its all a matter of perception

more good times with the louder crew afterwards… i am in full swing when it comes to the parody poems with only one that i have not actually shared with the author… pretty important as i attempt (keyword) to keep it real (whatever that means) and share all my laughs with folks… comes from getting picked on as a kid… i dont mind laughing with folks- just mind laughing at them… if i dont like you, chances are, i dont talk about you… when i do though, the jokes are pretty quick and to a brutal point… i wonder how they would look if i added some magnesium to the earpiece of their phone- and just kept calling them till they looked like a cross between spawn and carrot-top?… this is pretty tame, actually

siegel dropped the serious new hotness on me with Some Ether : Poems by Nick Flynn… go pick it up…

keep looking for changes as im going with another look to see ALL the little tricks this new blog system got going on… (and as Thus Spake Zarathustra chimes in on the back ground and smoke fills the room)cuz whether you like it or not, you will learn to love it, cuz its the best thing goin’ today- whoo! Whoo!! WHOO!!… and thats a shoot, bruder!

the countdown

machismo redefined is in a lil bit

i have together a nice set (oh, the cry of the optisimist!)

this is going to be a good chance to see if this crowd is really into hearing shit that flips the lid on definitions or if they are just hear to be told that life is fucked and we should revlot on everything and then move on till tomorrow and some how the streets will still get cleaned and someone will answer when we need a cop

well, either way things are cool cuz some good breaks are coming my way which means the crazy game plan i have been going with is working and the things that i am really on the hunt for are coming my way (wow! can he get any more mysterious than that? sure he could but the kid likes to announce things and not just rely on rumors, tu sabes?)

peace out,

the great un.communicator