Let me just say that I was really bored at Urbana’s finals. Two years ago, I was screamin’ like a teenager at a Micheal Jackson concert… in the ?80s… in Japan(!) *copyright, UPHA* In contrast, this year I was trying to listen but it was a bit hard when I knew most of the pieces and the ones I didn’t know were going 50/50 on the hit me phase. Halfway through, Jess decided she wanted to get a candy bar and I was ready to hike to Hershey, Pennsylvania at that point.

On the positive tip, uber-congrats to the McKibbens clan- RAC rocked it out and was a clear favorite of the judges throughout but George had to come back from a tepid score at the very end of the first round (meaning the judges weren’t sure what to make of his poetry) to emerge the Urbana Grand Slam Champ. Two years ago, George leaped in the air when the final four were called and he was able to make Team Urbana- it still stays one of my fondest memories in all of slam and remained as Urbana took the whole thing that year with George participating in three of their four finals night poems. Add Ms. Automatic, Celena Glenn; NYC newcomer but Nats Vet, Anis; and Taylor as coach & alternate and this is one team that already has handicappers worried.

The only thing that woulda been better would have been to see Dawn Saylor on the squad but the judges were not havin’ it even though her hushed tones were letting me get a nicer grasp of what she was sayin’ on stage versus the extra-bass thumping, Can ya hear me now?!, norm of slam.

Corporate judges? For the longest I have wanted to have some kind of judge that has some kind of artistic background to help put Slam in some kind of artistic context. The result at Urbana was some pretty even scoring that stayed in the mid 8s throughout which is where I think most of the real good poems we do actually live in.

“I want to see a 10!”

Well then give me a goddamn 10 poem! Something that is going to haunt me for a while or at the very least I can recite snippets of later to other folks.

“I heard the baddest poem the other night!”



What did the poet say?

“Not sure but that shit was dope!”

Ten… my ass.

Corporate judging may seem like a sell out to the concept of Slam but the five random judges has led (in my eyes) to a quest for the lowest common denominator versus the search for commonality.

“But won’t corporate judging help someone FIX the slam?”

Glad you asked… The concept of fixing the Slam came up recently in Matt’s blog and I asked MC if I could retort via blog and here it is…

One of the fun/pains of being a SlamMaster was picking the judges. Some nights, it was a breeze and others it was like pulling teeth. Especially when you know what you are looking for, which in my case was for people that appeared to be actually listening to the Open Mic. First off, if you know one of the slammers- you shouldn’t be a judge. And believe me, this works both ways.

1. The obvious bias that comes with knowing folks outside of their poetry

2. The fact that if you know the poet’s obra and they go back to the well, you will be scoring it on how it compares to the last performances versus the actual performance.

(You know I’ve seen her do that poem WAYYYY better)

Once you find five groups that are unattached and actually listening then you just try to get a bit of diversity in the mix and then you’re straight


You can throw all that out the window and pick people who will score like you want them to score and insure your peeps an easy victory

The flaw in this plan emerges when the judges start scoring in a way you didn’t anticipate. Maybe your least favorite slammer is on all pistons tonight and has moved the judges to new places. What are you gonna do? Stop the slam in the middle and remind them why you picked them?

Nah, you gonna stand there and take it and next time pick some more well behaved judges… Maybe a pep talk before, who know?

As you can see, it’s a lil hard to actually rig the slam because unless you actually tell them “these are the poets I want to be eliminated” then you are fucked.

Always interesting was the apparent die-hard feminist giving the women low scores or the pampered suburb kid throwing 10s to anthem of the hood and on and on.

On your other points Matt, yes the MC and DJ do hold some power over the aura of the night but you can only bump an 8.1 up so much. Ya know?

Picking judges and seeing how 5 random folks decide the fate of the fragile egos is gonna be one of the things that I will miss but seeing them give yahoo ass scores to good writing and reward the ranter and ravers is gonna be the thing I wont miss.

(the scene) the blue ox bar with three names on the sign up list, five patrons and the cultural trolley departing

the deal with 1st wednesdays is that the trolley should be bringing you more folks when it makes it stop. this time around- it didnt. dont ask me how but what was looking like disaster at first and then full fledged nuclear armageddon by the ticking second somehow became a great night of poetry with taylor dropping an awesome set to what became a nice sized house.

when in doubt, pull out the bug guns… peace, through superior firepower… so thats what i did and was lucky enough to have fish, eliel, rich and (a blast of louderEDGE past) tim in the house. they all gave it their all and held it down long enough to let the crowd and the energy develop. in the practice what you preach dept, i took the first hit and dropped two of the standards to a real, real thin house but, hey!, if you are only gonna drop your good stuff to the packed house- you is kinda bullshit in my eyes. “i cant go up, not enough people here” or if you half-ass it, nah… homie dont play that.

my peoples was in effect, though… so, no worries…

“we have to give these people a good show” was all that was going through my head and i think i pulled one of my best hosting jobs- ever. usually, after a show, i am going through mad shit and wondering what i did wrong and how to improve and sheet like dat. on stage you may not see it cuz it always about pushing the show forward and getting momentum and moving, moving, moving

all of the bad shows, dum sheet, ill timed remarks, foul mouth language, sweating and anxiety all payed off for yesterdays show and less than ten folks saw it… which is fine by me

taylor is just automatic and he gave the blue ox his semi-drunken all (we shared a blue ox shot a lil before he went up and the after effects were great to watch!). then again, its taylor! and for all i know he was dead sober and looking for a hook to work into the audience! either way, the set rocked and it was all worth it to have another poet find out that the boogie down is not that far away and we love poetry as much as anybody else

and, (drum roll), fresh off that suckah- ima host 1st wednesdays again in july as e.j. antonio and, mah louderARTS/synonymUS homegirl, elana bell come through to the bX! see ya then!

Jibaro! Mah pretty National Poetry Slam 2004 Spectator, niggah!

for all you folks looking to hit nats this year (yes, this is a response to matt’s post)

here are the following links that you should start hitting up

:: NPS 2004

:: Words in Motion

:: Poetry Slam, Inc

:: Poetry_Slam_Listserve*

(*for those of y’all on the nyc listserves that from time to time say “damn, dont these mofos have anything better to do other than saying HI! or promoting their events or arguing over the same point all the time!?!” (damn, blog.pot highfive the listserve.kettle) then get ready for the same d.u.m.ness increased by a factor of three. big suggestion- sign up for Web Only or Daily Digest)

there are also rumors afoot of a PSI poker game being led by the lover of all things chicago white sox, mr nick fox as well as the usual day events of workshops and specialty mics.

straight up, if it wasnt for my sis’s wedding i would be up in the house but, at this point, more to hang with my peeps and enjoy a vacation with my favorite poets. mah first year at nats was mad cool thanks to seve and the rest of the louderBUNCH giving me the background on assorted folks and intro’ing me as part of the fam. last year, i was able to pass the love on down by helpin’ folks in the same fashion. i am way sure that those same folks will be passing it on to matt, eliel and jess among others. as for me, i guess i’ll read about it in the funny papers.

news flash… ima be hosting First Wednesday at the Blue Ox Bar… tonight!

with your feature- Taylor Mali

this will be some kinds of fun. the last First Wed was all kinds of fun with a packed house and the open mic was pretty cool.

i have been making the joke of “Gentrification, Now!” once the date started coming up. for the record, i will not be using that joke tonight cuz i am being asked to guest-host for this bad boy and i dont think thats cool to do to the people who are actually throwing the event. nots to say i wont be a jackass but i’ll just be a lil less of a jackass.

so come down to the blue ox, its 100% free… enjoy the view and drop a piece if you are in the hood…

new additions to the neighborhood-

lovella calica
:: i met lovella at an NPS chi.town workshop that maria and i took. they asked us to check out the poem of the person next to you and lovella turned out to be that poeta. later that afternoon, some of the other louder bunch was pleased as spoonbread punch to have met some new peeps, one of which was- lovella! after that we kinda kidnapped her/adopted her and she is one of the lucky few to see me toe.up after 5 too many in the rent.a.van. ms calica has quite the number of adventures already under her belt and is pretty vocal on a lot of causes, so i expect to see this blog fill up fast

scott keith
:: before blogging, for a half a minute i was writing some reports of the insanity that was monday night wrestling and scott was the template i was using for these reports. go check his LJ for reviews of DVDs and other assorted nerdness…

anthony morales
:: nuyorican fresh poet, anthony is mad cool people and i was happy to take a workshop with him last year. right now he is doing the crazy juggling act of being a featured poet, masters student, public school teacher in washington heights and latino…

:: Acentos regular and MiGente legend, he hasnt been posting a lot recently but drop a note in his guestbook and that may be enough to egt him going. Tag, you it!

scot lee williams
:: a member of team synonymUS, scot has a great sense of the artistic and you never know what hes gonna do when he hits the mic (play the flute, the sax, drop a poem, slam, sing, chant…)

scott woods
:: if it wasnt for scott, i may just write off slam (on the national level) totally off but there is change in the air and this is one of the people that has the right mix of brains, tact and guts to get shit done. damn good poet too.

ok, thats it for now- go out and climb a tree…