Acknowledgement: Poets Responding to SB1070 & La Bloga On-Line Floricanto

Hate Fee Zone
Originally uploaded by xomiele

Many thanks to Francisco X. Alarcón and all the editors at Facebook’s Poets Responding to SB 1070 for including my poem “By the Time I Get to Arizona” in their online anthology. It’s an honor to be included in such a diverse and populous list of voices who continue to speak up against the terror legislation of Gov Jan Brewer. Even as key parts of the law are being struck down by the Federal government, the fight against SB 1070 goes on and the voices continue to ring.

Speaking of a multitude of voices, La Bloga’s On-Line Floricanto is reprinting select poems from the Facebook anthology and are also including my work. Mil gracias to Michael Sedano and all the gente at La Bloga for providing another opportunity to declare our hope that Arizona can take care of all her children equally and justly.

An extra shout out to Francisco Aragón for passing on my poem to Señor Alarcón and helping creating more poetry bridges.

NaPoWriMo #21: By the Time I Get to Arizona

Damn, Gov Brewer. What da hell happened? Who got it in your head that this would be a good idea?

Too many questions and too much anger and you best believe it’s going to get hotter in AZ before it’s all said and done.

The soundtrack for this song is a bit of departure but works for me.

By the Time I Get to Arizona

[Poem was here, now posted at Facebook’s Poets Responding to SB 1070 and in La Bloga’s On-Line Floricanto.]